1 Peter 1:22 (NASB)
"Since you have in obedience
"Since you have in obedience
to the truth
purified your souls for a sincere love
of the brethren,
fervently love one another from the heart..."
What a beautiful Valentine's Day..... and it had nothing to do with Hallmark, Martha Stewart or FTD!! May I say it again, God is amazing - amazing in His Sovereignty, Faithfulness and especially His Love . First of all, not one but 2 days off of school- 2 days where we couldn't go anywhere, just sit at home and be with each other. 2 days -as a gift- to be with my kiddos and hubby before all the travel craziness begins! 2 days to pack and weigh suitcases (almost done) uninterrupted by appts & events. Delightful!!
And we were praying these last 2 days, because our visas were on a FedEx vehicle out of Atlanta, coming to the snowy Midwest. Yesterday(14th) morning at 8:00am I received a call from the FedEx dispatch, "Mrs. Schweigert, I have an important looking package, possibly documents. We were unable to deliver yesterday, obviously..... and today, we aren't taking any secondary roads. Could you meet me in town?"
For most of you, this might seem so lame, but if you live on Antioch Rd., you know how the snow fills in quickly, as the road is lower than the fields. The plow had gone by at 6, but no activity since. I could get out of the driveway, but the curve at the dairy farm is always a killer.
But God had inspired our brother-in-law to clean out his driveway at the same time with his end loader, and he did the curve as well! Hallelujah! We have our visas!!
and it just gets better....
Our dear friends Dan and Mary had us over for a delightful pre-trip/Valentine's feast, everything beautifully delicious!
And to top it off, they had invited many of our dear, dear friends from church for dessert afterward! And the very best part, we gathered around and sang praises to the Lord, accompanied by their son, Brian on guitar; and then they all prayed a sending-out prayer- for our safety, travel details , bonding, and just praise to God!! I am still teary thinking about it...
Yes, it was unbelievably humbling and encouraging at the same time- the Body of Christ, loving each other "fervently from the heart".
I believe this will be one of those one of those " top 10 life memories" for Joe and I.
Jesus' love was tangible in every person in that room- thank you all again for your words of encouragement, prayers and faithfulness to the Lord.
An article by John Piper that was incredibly touching to me this week:
Keep on loving each other fervently, from the heart.
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